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Friday, February 21st

8:00A-9:00A:      Registration & Continental Breakfast

9:00A-12:00P:    Didactic

12:00P-1:30P:     Lunch (on your own)

1:30P-4:30P:       Didactic 

5:00P-6:00P:      Annual Meeting

Saturday, February 22nd

8:30A-9:30A:       Sign-In & Hot Breakfast

9:30A-12:30P:     Didactic

Snacks & Beverages Provided During Breaks

Memory Reconsolidation

is the neurobiological name for how the subcortical brain changes old learning patterns.


​There are deep, subconscious, emotional processing areas low in our brains that hold "emotional knowings". Some of these knowings help us know wonderful things, like how to connect with a loved one or how to keep our body safe when hiking up a mountain ridge or what it means to get that promotion after months and months of hard work. This part of the brain also holds the emotional knowings that keep people stuck. These emotional knowings are actually things we have learned as we navigated our lives and now hold as wordless truth. Some of the things we have learned are great and others need updating. When your client is stuck: in anxiety in self criticism, in people pleasing, in acting in ways they wish they wouldn't, and many other types of stuck points chances are good that an emotional knowing is keeping them there. But how do we access the networks in the lower brain and how do we support these networks to unlock, unlearn and relearn new and more supportive things?

Learning Objectives

  • Learn more about the natural process that we can support therapeutically that can help your clients get unstuck, yes even with limited session contact. â€‹


  • Learn how to weave neurobiologically informed interventions into talk therapy.​


  • Learn how to provide highly effective work in spite of the challenge of the 50 minute session as well as a limited number of sessions.​


  • Learn techniques you can use right away to help your clients access deeper brain regions and experience internal transformations.

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