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In-Person CEUs

Image by Brooke Cagle




These CEUS opportunities are in person at various locations.  Location information is included, but will also be emailed to all registrants. 


CEU Certificates are provided on-site once evaluation is submitted. 


SCSCSW is a permanent CEU provider for the SC licensing board and the Counseling, Marriage & Family Therapy & Psycho-Educational licensing board. 




September 13th, 2024-Ginger Culbertson, LISW-CP, LMFT, LPC

11A to 3P

CEUs: 4

Title: Neuro-Linguistic Programming Techniques


Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) was developed in the 1970s by John Grinder, a linguist, and Richard Bandler. It resulted in a set of teachable skills based on video analysis and interviews with the leading therapists of the time: Fritz Perls, Virginia Satir, and Milton Erickson. It developed skills for building rapport, supporting clean communication, understanding behavior based on the five sensory channels, and accessing the corresponding neurological networks. Clear strategies for creating change were developed.  It is one of the few paradigmatic methods with a clearly stated written set of presuppositions. Notably, Francine Shapiro, the developer of EMDR, began developing her model after completing her training in NLP.  This training will include experiential exercises to learn basic skills and at least two change sequences that can be used in clinical practice... as well as life.



1.      Overview of the development of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

2.      Description of establishing Anchors in various sensory channels with demonstration and practice.

3.      Overview of the five basic change strategies of NLP

4. Demonstrating one of the more basic change strategies with participant opportunity to practice and develop these in experiential exercises.


Presenter Bio:

Ginger Culbertson has worked in the field of mental health since 1975. She graduated from Furman University with a major in Philosophy and studied theology, cross-cultural communication, and psychology at Fuller Seminary. She attained her M.S.W. at the New York University School of Social Work in 1982.  She was first exposed to Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) in 1978 while living in California. NLP was in its early stages of development. After leaving New York and returning to Greenville, SC, she found a wonderful trainer and began being trained in NLP with John Linder, LMFT, under the auspices of The Southern Institute of NLP.  She has also had training in Erickson hypnotic techniques. She participated in international training in Europe in the late 1980s and early 1990s with the institute. She is an advanced practitioner of NLP and utilizes these skills in her psychotherapeutic work with individuals, couples, and families and in performance enhancement as a ballroom dancer. She loves horses, hiking, cycling, and generally being outdoors. It is a special delight to acquaint other people with the paradigm of NLP and to help others develop skills for enhancing their own lives and for psychotherapists to utilize these skills to improve their work with their clients.


November 9th, 2024-Elena Carrol, LISW-CP

10A-230P (In-Person)

CEUs: 4

Title:  Internal Family Systems

SCSCSW has not vetted all of the opinions, finding, recommendations, or conclusions expressed by our guest presenters. We do not necessarily endorse the material presented as being effective and appropriate within your individual practices. You are responsible for using your own clinical ethics and knowledge of your skills to determine whether and how this material is utilized within your clinical work. We also reserve the right to substitute a qualified instructor for any presentation due to unforeseen circumstances.




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State Park, SC 29147

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