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Many reasons cause individuals to seek therapy for themselves or those whom they care about.

Anxiety • Depression • Grief & Loss • Trauma

Low Self-Esteem • Caregiver Burnout

Phobias • Complicated Family Dynamics

Unhelpful Thoughts &/or Behavioral Patterns • Anger

Drug or Alcohol Addiction • Eating Disorders

...and MANY other reasons!

You should consider therapy if you have experienced:

a strong desire, but inability to change a particular behavior


a sad mood for more than two weeks


behavioral changes, such as overspending or making other irrational decisions


inability to enjoy your loved ones and/or your loved ones inability to enjoy being with you (i.e. withdrawing or irritable behavior)


a decrease interest in the activities you once enjoyed


distress in your work or personal life thoughts of wanting to die or attempts to hurt yourself

sleep and/or appetite disturbances


difficulty concentrating


racing thoughts


low self esteem




unexplained fatigue


destructive patterns with self or others


anxiety or panic

Some people come to therapy for

help communicating more effectively with their family, learning healthier coping techniques, or acquiring parenting skills.


Some people just want help resolving one particular situation, and others want assistance in several areas of their life.

Sometimes people are eager to begin therapy to resolve their difficulties. Others deny that they need help. Sometimes it is only when a person reaches their lowest point or when coerced by a family member or loved one that they seek counseling.


Some individuals have reported feeling embarrassed or feeling they are somehow “weak” for needing help. This could not be farther from the truth. It takes a strong person to look at their issues and work through them. Also, we now know that many mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders are not a sign of weakness at all, but are chemical problems that can only be fixed with medical intervention (psychotherapy and/or medicine). Just like cancer, the sooner a condition is treated the greater and quicker the success rate for recovery.

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